Martial Art - Kenshinkai Aikido (Portsmouth and Fareham) - Members Header

2023 AGM Minutes Added

2023 AGM Minutes are now available.

2023 AGM Agenda Added

2023 AGM Agenda is now available.

2023 AGM Minutes

2023 AGM Agenda

ALNS - Emergency Evacuation Procedures

AYI - Aikido Yoshinkan International (Past Issues)

BAB - Constitution

BAB - Coaching and Club Handbook

BAB - Coaching Information

BAB - Meeting Minutes (see Minutes)

BAB - Sports Coach UK

Fareham LC - Emergency Action Plan

First Aid - Resucitation

KSK - Constitution

KSK - Information Pack

KSK - Instructor Guidelines

KSK - Membership Form

BAB - Child Safeguarding Policy

BAB - CRB Checks

BAB - Managing Challenging Behaviour (CPSU)

BAB - Safeguarding Young People

KSK - Child Collection Form

KSK - Photo/Video Permission Form

KSK - Safeguarding Young People